Think like Christ

“I think it’s OK to get drunk and have fun. What’s the big deal about it?”

“I am a Christian but I am also a 21 year old. I have the right to enjoy my life anyway I want”

“I don’t care what the Pastor says. It’s just a one-night stand. Jeez! Man, it is 2017! Do you still believe in all that?”

A lot of us would have heard such and many more comments like these. ‘In my opinion’ is one phrasing we all use to validate and justify our actions. But what we tend to ignore most of the time is God’s opinion.

“We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”- 2 Corinthians 10:5

Paul has written clearly that as a Christian, we are supposed to take all our thoughts captive to Christ . Meaning, there is no such thing as free thinking in Christ.  Now, don’t go nuclear on me. I’m not telling you that you have no opinion at all. You do have your say in all matters. But it is important for you to answer this one question before you decide your judgment on anything. And that question is, “Does this go in accordance with the Word of God?”

Take for example, the topic of fantasying about wrong things. If you do search about it in Google, you will find many people supporting it and saying it’s all nothing wrong. You can find surveys and scientific studies that would say it’s alright to fantasize about murdering someone or having sex. After all, you just thought it! You didn’t murder anyone in reality or lose your virginity to your handsome neighbor! But don’t jump to conclusion yet. We have one more step to be done.

Open the scriptures and understand what it says. Doesn’t Matthew 5: 22 say, “Anyone who angry with his brother will be subjected to judgment”? And in Matthew 5:28, “Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart”?

So there, you got your final statement. Now, you can finally judge for yourself if fantasizing about negative deeds is right or not. It’s OK to daydream about positive things. But always remember, to take your thought captive to Christ before you nourish it in your heart.

~Lilac Blossom

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The above post is entirely original. The author has not copied it from any other online or offline sources. Any resemblance to other works is purely coincidental.


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