Don't be a Practical Christian

In the book of I Kings 15:9-24 and II Chronicles 14-16, we can find the account of King Asa of Judah. Now, King Asa was a good king and did right in the eyes of the Lord. He was consumed with so much zeal for the Lord that he destroyed sacred stones and foreign altars. He even went to the length of deposing his grandmother Maacah from the throne for making an Asherah pole. All this went good and proper and the Lord was pleased with king Asa.

And then trouble strikes. Baasha, King of Israel fortified Ramah, a territory of King Asa.

Being a King of Judah, Asa should have prayed to the Lord for help as David would have. Or he should have consulted through the High priest before acting. But on the face of calamity, Asa took his own decision.

He took up the gold and silver from the treasuries of the Lord’s temple and sent it to Ben-Hadad, the King of Aram, asking for help. And so, Aram broke off treaty with Israel by attacking its towns. The Israel king immediately focused on the safety of his towns and during this diversion, Asa was able to get back his territory.

Well, the threat was neutralized, right? But Asa fails to notice his sin. He relied on the King of Aram. He went practical and took the most logical decision. As many Christians do today.

As Christians, we fail remember most of the times that all our problems have one solution: Prayer. Instead, we run to people, we run to google and we try to find a solution that is ‘practical’ and ‘logical’.

Was our God ‘practical’ when he parted the Red Sea for his people? Was he ‘logical’ when he rained down manna for 40 years? Did Jesus preach ‘practicality’ as he fed 5000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish? Where was ‘logic’ when he walked on water?

It is important to remember that with God, anything is possible. You cannot hold onto your logic when you are a Christian. There is no boundary which our God cannot break. Are you broke? Has your heart been walked on? Do you feel that your life is over and there is nothing left to live for? Well if that be so, remember that you and I are here for a reason. When our God created the heavens and earth out of nothing, he had already predestined your life. Do people tell you that you are wrong in your decisions? Are they suggesting that you failed to follow God’s plan for you? Or worse, are they telling you that you have too much of faith?

Remember Psalms 119:96, “To all perfection, I see a limit; but your commands are boundless”
The Lord’s command includes not just the Ten Commandments but also commands of love, faith, hope and discipleship. There is nothing as ‘too much’ in Christ.

King Asa lost the Lord’s favor by acting in his own practical view. Towards his death, he suffered from a severe disease in his feet. But never once, did he ask for the Lord’s help. Instead he relied solely on the physicians. Had he prayed once, perhaps the Lord would have forgiven him and healed him, as he did with King Hezekiah.

Hence, as a Christian it is important for us to not just rely on our own logic but seek the Lord’s hand in everything we do. The ways of the Lord are mysterious, yes. But he has the power to change your life or save you from the miry clay you are in.

~Lilac Blossom

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The above post was not coped or plagiarized from any existing sources. Any resemblance to other works is purely coincidental


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