Nothing can stop him

Samson was a great warrior in the bible. He was the strongest man ever. Before Samson was born, his mother was barren. His parents were then visited upon by an angel who prophesied about Samson’s birth and gave instructions regarding his upbringing. During that time, the angel says clearly that the boy’s hair must never be cut and that he is to be set apart to the Lord from his birth.

His parents were faithful in following the instructions and Samson grew up well. But later, we see that his moral character is corrupted.
    1)     He wanted to marry a philistine.
Even though it was the Lord’s plan, Samson’s weak morale is evident as he breaks the law forbidding marriage with foreigners. Here is an example of how the Lord will use even the sinful nature of men to accomplish his purpose. Had Samson been more upright, the Lord would have chosen a better way to get even with philistines. But the bible doesn’t record Samson praying or seeking the Lord except during the times he was in deep trouble. And so, the Lord let Samson break the law so that he could suppress the philistines.
    2)     He saw and spent time with a prostitute in Gaza.
Once again, Samson repeats his mistake of breaking the law by spending the night with a philistine woman. This time, it is a prostitute.
    3)     He fell in love with Deliah, whose nationality is unknown but definitely not an Israelite
His third mistake led to his ruin. It seems that Samson never learnt from his mistakes.

Even through all this, the Spirit of the Lord never left Samson. Instead the Lord hears him out and saves him when he called out. Why? Because, the whole suppressing-the-philistines-plan wasn’t fabricated for Samson. It was the Lord’s plan for the nation of Israel. One man’s weak morality cannot stop the Lord from carrying out his plan, even if that one man happens to be the chosen Judge of Israel. The Israelites, in their cruel bondage cried out to the Lord and so he chose Samson to deliver them. Of course, as a judge Samson should have been more righteous but he failed. Yet, his failure was turned into Israel’s deliverance as he brought down death on a huge number of philistines. The Lord promised Samson superhuman strength as long as he never cuts his hair and he kept the promise until Samson was shaven. 

The same way, when the Lord says he has a plan for you, he will do it no matter what. Nothing on this Earth can stop him, for he has won the greatest victory ever. Sometimes, we worry ourselves thinking that our prayers weren’t sufficient for that breakthrough to happen even if you have been fasting yourself to death. It is important to remember that although prayers are important, the hand of the Lord moves only according to his will. So, it is important to know the Lord’s will before we pray for something. And when he has promised something, nothing can halt him from fulfilling that. Not even you.

The Lord Almighty has sworn, “Surely as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand.”
For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?            ~ Isaiah 14:24, 27

Yet, if he has promised and you go faithless and despise his words, don’t expect him to breakthrough that. Although he can still do it, he needs your faith to bring that blessing into your life. The Israelites believed that the Lord will save them from philistines. In the same way, have faith dear fellow christian, that the Lord can save you from your bondages too. And when you have faith in his promise, remember that nothing can stop you from receiving it.

~Lilac Blossom


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